common mistakes to avoid when using dental burs

common mistakes to avoid when using dental burs

They may look harmless, but make one wrong move with a dental bur and you could end up hitting a tooth cavity - literally! While an essential tool, burs must be handled with care. In this article, we'll go over common mistakes that can turn a routine dental procedure into a drilling disaster.

"I see even experienced dentists misusing burs sometimes," says Dr. Patel, an endodontist. "Proper technique is crucial for safe, effective treatment."

Mistake 1:Wrong Bur, Wrong Job

You wouldn't use a Phillips head screwdriver on a flathead screw. Similarly, each dental bur has a specific purpose. A round bur won't give the same result as a tapered bur. Using the incorrect dental bur can lead to poor outcomes and tooth damage. Choose your bur wisely!


Mistake 2: Unsterilized Dental Bazooka

Neglecting to properly sterilize burs between patients is like sharing dirty needles - a recipe for spreading infection. This should go without saying, but make sure those burs are cleaned and disinfected before placing them anywhere near a patient's mouth!


Mistake 3: Drilling Under Pressure

Dental burs spin at ultra-high speeds, so a light touch is best. Too much pressure causes friction and heat, discomfort for patients, and potential tooth trauma. Ease up on the heavy drilling hand!


Mistake 4: Flying Low and Dry

An unlubricated bur is like a nail file grinding your teeth - ouch! Keep burs lubricated during use to prevent overheating and provide a smooth ride. And pack some patience - pausing to re-lubricate is time well spent.  


Mistake 5: Flying on Empty

Much like your car tires, dental burs wear out over time. Using a dulled and worn bur can wreak havoc on your ability to work precisely. Check burs regularly and replace any past their prime. Don't wait for an unfortunate cavity encounter to find out your bur is toast!

By being mindful of these common slip-ups, you can avoid dental disasters and keep patients smiling confidently. Now go grab your bur checklist and fly the friendly skies of dentistry - safely and smoothly!