common mistakes to avoid when using mounted stones for polishing and finishing

common mistakes to avoid when using mounted stones for polishing and finishing

By understanding what not to do with mounted stones, you can avoid ruining projects at the last step. We’ll cover picking the wrong grit, applying too much pressure, and using poor technique. Avoid these common blunders, and your surfaces will shine like never before.

Join me as we troubleshoot tricky mounted stone challenges, so you can unlock professional polished finishes every time. Don’t let a finishing flop blemish your hard work. With the right know-how, mounted stones will beautify your pieces in a flash. Let’s get polishing!



Picking the Wrong Stone

Mounted stones come in fine, medium, and coarse grits. Using a rough stone when you want a smooth finish is a recipe for ravaged results. You wouldn’t use sandpaper to polish a gemstone. Choose a mounted stone that matches your goal.

Too Much Muscle

Ease up, Popeye! Too much pressure causes uneven polishing and gouging. Mounted stones require a delicate touch - let the abrasive do the work. Imagine polishing a Fabergé egg, not chiseling Mount Rushmore. Rein in that brute strength for refined outcomes.

Poor Technique

Sloppy stonework spells scratched finishes. Maintain a consistent angle and use smooth, straight strokes. Resist wobbling your wrist like a wet noodle. Take your time and work in sections for an all-over uniform polish. Patience prevents polishing problems.

With the right gentle touch, mounted stones unlock polished perfection. Mind your technique, back off the brute force, and let these tools work their magic. Say adios to swirls and scratches, and hello to lustrous finishes!