confessions of a dental bur collector

confessions of a dental bur collector

1.The Beginnings of a Collection

The collector explains how their collection began, describing their fascination with the intricate shapes and sizes of dental burs. They started by collecting a few burs from their dental office, but the collection quickly grew as they began to seek out unique and rare burs from around the world.

2.The Hunt for Rare Burs

The collector describes the thrill of the hunt for rare and unusual dental burs, scouring online marketplaces, dental supply stores, and even antique shops. They explain how they've come to appreciate the unique qualities of each bur, from the shape and size to the material and manufacturer.

3.The Display

The collector proudly displays their collection in their home, showcasing the wide variety of shapes and sizes of dental burs. They explain how they've created a system for organizing the burs, grouping them by type, material, and manufacturer.


4.The Reactions

The collector recounts some of the reactions they've received when sharing their hobby with others, ranging from confusion to amusement to fascination. They explain how they've come to embrace their unique hobby, even if others don't quite understand it.

5.The Future of the Collection

The collector explains their plans for the future of their dental bur collection, including the desire to continue expanding the collection and to share their passion with others. They also express their hope that their collection will inspire others to appreciate the artistry and precision of dental burs.


While dental bur collecting may be a strange hobby to some, for others, it represents a passion for the unique and unusual. By embracing their hobby and sharing it with others, dental bur collectors can help to promote the creativity and innovation of the dental industry. 

So the next time you're at the dentist, take a moment to appreciate the precision and artistry involved in the dental burs being used - you never know, you may just become a collector yourself!