how to clean and sterilize tungsten carbide burs?

how to clean and sterilize tungsten carbide burs?

We are aware that Tungsten carbide burs are effective tools for removing metal-based restorations, and they are also ideal for cutting and polishing macro-filled and hybrid composites. They are more costly than steel burs but have a longer service life to make up for it.

But how to clean and sterilize tungsten carbide burs. To tackle this issue, we simplify the procedure so that you may comprehend it better in this post.

Cleaning Procedure

Manual Cleaning

Carbide Burs must be cleaned in a sink designated for instrument cleaning.

1. Rinse the Carbide Bur (and specialized instrument block, if applicable) for at least one (1) minute under cool running water.

2. Follow the manufacturer's directions for the cleaning chemical. To loosen debris, submerge dental burs in a neutral-pH cleaning solution (such as Enzol) or cleaning/disinfectant agent certified for use on dental burs for at least ten (10) minutes.

3. Brush away from the body thoroughly for two minutes with the neutral cleaning agent

Please maintain a safe distance when brushing and avoid spreading contaminants through spraying or splashing. Use caution when working with wire brushes, as brass particles can cause galvanic corrosion and steel particles can tarnish stainless steel.

4. After cleaning, visually confirm that all debris has been removed. If required, repeat the cleaning process.

5. Rinse the Carbide Bur (and instrument block) well under running warm water for at least one (1) minute, or until visibly clean.

6. Dry the burs with a paper towel, a non-shedding wipe or cloth, or dry heat not exceeding 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

1. Insert them in bur blocks (or bur holders) to prevent damage.

2. Comply with the manufacturer's directions about the proper concentration, exposure time, temperature, and water quality. Using an enzymatic cleaner and operating on a 10-minute cycle. (Recommend). Then, rinse for two minutes with cool water.

3. Inspect the surface of the burs to ensure all debris has been removed; if not, repeat the cleaning process

4. Use a non-shedding wipe or clean compressed air to dry the gadget.

Note: Burs cannot be adequately sterilized unless they are fully cleaned and devoid of dirt.

Sterilizing Procedures

Vacuum Autoclaving: place the burs in a tray or pouch designated for sterilizing.

Non-vacuum Burs can be sterilized via autoclaving employing a dynamic air removal sterilization cycle. Sterilize in an FDA-approved pouch at full cycle with a minimum 3-minute stay at 132ºC / 270ºF minimum.


1. Avoid cold disinfectant solutions. These solutions are not sterile and may contain corrosive substances that diminish the performance and durability of carbide burs.

2. Utilize sterilizing equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. The user is responsible for ensuring that sterilization is effective.

3. The item should be stored in a dry atmosphere. This eliminates the danger of corrosion, which may have weakened the carbide-steel joint.