how to use mounted stones for sharpening tools and blades

how to use mounted stones for sharpening tools and blades

Do your dulled blades seem about as useful as spoons for cutting? Bring them back to razor sharpness with trusty mounted sharpening stones! Let’s review proper techniques so you can sharpen like a samurai.

Choosing Your Weapon (Mounted Stone)

Not all sharpening stones are created equal. Make like Goldilocks and find one that’s just right for the blade. Coarse stones fix major damage quickly, while finer stones put on the finishing polish. The stone must match the steel - some are too abrasive for high carbon. Get recommendations from the tool maker.

Proper Sharpening Technique

Let the stone do the work, not your muscles. Apply light, consistent pressure as you drag the blade across in smooth strokes. Keep a steady angle. Too much wobbling dulls the cutting edge. Sharpen in sections - don’t grind the whole blade at once. Clean the stone regularly with soap and water.

Post-Sharpening Care

A few finishing touches make your sharpening last. Use honing steel to realign the edge after sharpening. Add a layer of food-safe mineral oil to prevent stone corrosion. Store sharpened tools properly to avoid knocking the edge. Now go impress everyone with your slicing sorcery!

With the right mounted stone and techniques, even novices can sharpen blades to deadly effectiveness. Say goodbye to lackluster edges, and rediscover the joy of cutting like samurai. Your tools will be sharper than a Doric column. Now get sharpening!