it's time to replace your dental implants

it's time to replace your dental implants

Dental implants are supposed to be a permanent tooth replacement solution. But like an aging spaceship, sometimes implants malfunction and need repaired or replaced. Don't let failing implants jeopardize your smile's mission! Keep an eye out for these 5 red flags that indicate it's time for a dental implant pit stop.

Loose Implants - If your implants start wiggling around like an astronaut on a spacewalk, their stability is compromised. This could indicate the bone and implants are no longer fused together properly. 

Time to refasten that connection!  


Visible Gum Line

The titanium is supposed to be flush with the gums, not peeking out like a creeping alien creature. Receding gums reveal an underlying problem with the dental implant or infection.  

Pain and Discomfort

Soreness, tenderness, or throbbing around an implant spell trouble. It could signal an ill-fitting crown or even implant failure. Don't live in oral agony - get it checked out!


Bad Breath

Malodorous breath surrounding an implant can point to infection and bone loss. Foul odors mean something is amiss internally.   

Changed Bite

If your bite feels off, teeth are misaligned, or chewing is difficult, the implant may be fractured or positioned wrong. An altered bite indicates mechanical failure.



Don't let a faulty implant plagued by complications go unaddressed. Otherwise, it could lead to implant loss and jawbone damage. At the first sign of trouble, visit your dentist for an evaluation and repair options. With early intervention, your implants can be restored to mint condition. You'll be back to eating space ice cream in no time!

We sell Dental Implant, you can click on it to take a look.