teeth whitening truths and lies

teeth whitening truths and lies

Teeth whitening is shrouded in mystery, myths, and dubious DIY advice that can do more harm than good. Let's peel back the whitening confusion and serve some stark reality - separating the whitening wisdom from the wackadoo claims.


Myth: Whitening Ruins Your Enamel

Fact: Quality peroxide-based whiteners only interact with organic stains, not tooth enamel. However, misusing products, like over-bleaching too frequently, can damage enamel. Moderation is key for safe, effective whitening.


Myth: Whitening Isn't Permanent

Fact: No cosmetic treatment lasts forever with abuse. But professional whitening can deliver years of boosted brightness with proper maintenance. Touch-ups are needed but not constantly. Not permanent but persistant!


Myth: Home Kits Don't Work 

Fact: Dentist-dispensed take-home trays with prescription peroxide work wonders over 1-2 weeks. Just don't expect the same dramatic results as professional treatments. Used properly, they significantly brighten.


Myth: Whitening Weakens Teeth 

Fact: Valid clinical studies have found no link between whitening and tooth weakening. However, existing conditions like enamel defects or thin dentin may become more noticeable with reduced stain masking.


Before believing wild whitening claims, look at the scientific evidence. While not magic, today's whitening done properly by professionals can deliver transformative yet safe brightening!