how to choose sintered diamond burs and plated burs?

how to choose sintered diamond burs and plated burs?

In the dental treatment or the dental lab, there is another tool besides the “diamond bur”, a hat is often used, which is called “Sintered diamond bur”. But people some may have a challenge on the question: How to choose between Sintered diamond burs and plated burs?

Here, we compare these two items and explain when to use them. We intend to provide relevant answers to your questions.

First, are you familiar with Sintered diamond burs?

We always describe it like the following:

Simply said, a sintered diamond bur is an instrument whose head is composed of diamond particles and a binder material. Varenkor utilizes the "conventional" method of production, which provides a matrix that is extremely dense, evenly worn, and long-lasting.

They consist of multiple layers of high-quality diamond grit. When used correctly they will last ten times longer than coated diamond burs.

As the bur is worn down during cutting, the layers of high-quality diamond grit gradually reveal themselves. Consequently, it cuts quite differently than a plated bur.

A sintered diamond bur will cut more precisely, cleanly, and quickly than a plated diamond bur.  By redressing sintered diamond burs with an aluminum oxide stick, the diamond particles can be returned to the bur's surface.

What exactly are Plated burs?

These burs are designed specifically for precise tooth grinding and have a longer lifespan. All premium line burs are gold-plated to facilitate identification. The premium range is manufactured using tightly regulated, custom-made diamond grits.

What are the differences between them?

1.Cost : Plated diamond burs are usually 4-5x cheaper than Sintered diamond burs.

2.Durability: Sintered diamond burs are more durable than plated diamond burs. And when used correctly they will last ten times longer than coated diamond burs.

Sintered burs have been shown to last five to ten times longer than plated ones. They will never become as dull as a plated bur. Since diamond particles are equally distributed throughout the entire head of the sintered bur, as the outer layer is worn away, additional diamond particles are exposed. This implies that even after wearing away 95% of the bur, it will continue to perform as well as when it was brand new!

3. Usages:

What sintered diamond burs are used for?

*The set of sintered diamond burs is intended for precise etching, contouring, and carving of hard stones like granite and concrete.

*Sintered diamond burs can be used to cut a variety of materials, including hardwoods, porcelain, gem/rock, and glass. By redressing sintered diamond burs with an aluminum oxide stick, the diamond particles can be returned to the bur's surface.

*Excellent for sculpting, grinding, and carving glass, stone, and some hardwoods. Use moist, and dress before and after each use with an aluminum oxide stick to expose a new diamond layer each time. Many of the world's best jade carvers use these sintered burrs.

The characteristics of sintered burs are:

*High diamond concentration for a long-lasting product

*Excellent cutting performance with a superior surface finish

*Extremely durable

*Persistence in uniformity and performance

What can plated burs used for such as gold-plated FG diamond burs?

*The premium range is manufactured using tightly regulated, custom-made diamond grits.

*The Premium burs have a highly uniform distribution of the unique diamond, which enables:

Fewer vibrations and smoother work. Lower temperature to preserve tooth health and improved surface finishing.

4. Cutting and Precision:  Sintered burs tend to cut significantly more precisely and cleanly than plated burs. When attempting to carve intricate lines in a gemstone, the sintered bur will be more exact. Use the sintered diamond bur if you're concerned about the gemstone chipping or if you want to achieve great detail.


1. Most gemstone carvers like a variety of plated diamond burs for the initial carving and form. Then, return with a sintered bur to refine your cuts and lines.

2. Plated burs are preferred by gemstone carvers for large gemstone carvings because it is easier and less expensive to obtain large plated burs than huge sintered burs.

3. Cutters of fire agate favor sintered diamond burs due to the precision required to show the gemstone's colors.

Therefore, both sintered and plated diamond burs are necessary. Plated diamond burs are ideal for novice gemstone carvers because they are inexpensive and function well. According to their qualities,function and different grit , you can select the appropriate option.